• +91-98711 37768 | +91-98716 51546


Disclaimer: You must read this before using our website

Though Content and Information share in this website is carefully written by medical professionals still we strongly recommend every individual to consult your doctor first. The information provided in the website should only be used for understanding not for treatment. Symptoms can be same for various diseases so without meeting your doctor personally do not reach to any conclusion without consulting a medical professional personally.


Our website contains general information for various medical conditions. This information is just for knowledge and clear understanding purpose. Any information in the website should be used only for knowledge purpose. Treatment and medical advisory may be different for every individual.


To make the Disclaimer easy to understand we have highlighted it in pointers. Please read it carefully.

Point Number 4 is extremely critical and you should not miss it

1. We are not recommending or advising medical treatment

# Information shared on the website is General Medical Information

# Medical Information shared in the website should not be considered as Advice


2. References videos/pictures are for Understanding purpose

# The Pictures used in the website represent only the process not the exact treatment

# The Videos used on the website represents only the procedure happened earlier or how procedure happens and only a Qualified Medical Professional can go fur such treatment  

  • One should not go to any conclusion just by looking at videos
  • Individual consultation with your Doctor is the only option advisable


3. Personal Medical assistance through a Qualified Professional

# This website is just a platform to showcasing the information written by medical professionals to let you understand the how and why?

# For any specific question related to individual medical issue, you must consult a qualified doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

# One should not take any uneven sign related to health or you think you are suffering from any medical condition, you should immediately consult a professional

# Purpose of this platform is to share knowledge and to let you understand that you should not delay seeking medical advice.

# We discourage our visitors to continue or discontinue any medical treatment because of our website information. You must consult a Medical Professional.


4. Contractibility with Qualified Medical Professionals

# We have an option on the website for “Two way Communication” with a Medical Professional, You can ask any Medical Concern you have.

# Our team will try to update you or advice you for the same and if sometime there is a delay in response “Do not wait, and consult a medical professional immediately”

# We clearly define that without individual consultation with the patient none of the Medical Professional can advise the right Go Ahead. Any information shared by you over the website and based on that ”Any information shared by a Medical Professional might be incomplete or misleading due to unclear understanding”- By visiting our website you acknowledge it by default


5. Nothing in this disclaimer will: Limit or Exclude any Liability

# For any delay in treatment due to wrong or unprofessional understating of the information available on the website.

# For death or personal injury resulting from negligence

# For starting the treatment or discontinuing the treatment without consulting a medical professional.

Services we Provide

Here Are Some of the Services
& Treatments we Offer


Call us

  • +91-98711 37768
  • +91-98716 51546


Mail us

  • info@explainmydisease.com

Other Wesites


  • Manipal hospital, ITPL main road, Bangalore
  • Clinic: 12167, Prestige Shanti Niketan, Whitefield, Bangalore


Explain My Disease